Vohwinkel law has provided las vegas valley residents superior case results relating to personal injury, bankruptcy, foreclosure and more! Contact us today!
Couldn’t Afford to Retire: Client was ready to retire but they owed $120,000 in credit card debt from a business they had to close. We filed a chapter 7 bankruptcy for the client and wiped out all the credit card debt. The process only took 90 days from start to finish. The client is now debt-free and can afford to retire.
We Saved Their Home from Foreclosure: Client was a week away from foreclosure by the bank. The client had lost their job and it took several months to get another one. In the meantime, the bills were piling up and they couldn’t afford their mortgage. We filed a chapter 13 bankruptcy and stopped the foreclosure immediately. We were able to modify their mortgage to lower their interest rate and saved their home. The client also owed some money to the IRS that we were able to wipe out as well.
We Stopped A Garnishment Immediately: Client was about to get garnished. The debt was only $2,000 owed to a credit card company but the garnishment was going to take 25% of their paycheck until the debt was paid in full, including attorneys’ fees and legal costs. We filed bankruptcy for the client and we worked immediately to stop the garnishment.
Vohwinkel law has provided las vegas valley residents superior case results relating to personal injury, bankruptcy, foreclosure and more! Contact us today!